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Donation Drives & Distributions

Period products are a costly monthly expense in a person who menstruates life, albeit a necessity. This is why CORA made it their sole mission to attempt to distribute free menstrual products to as many communities as possible, as often as possible. We are constantly humbled by the fact that so many local businesses and individuals in the South African community share our sentiments. Numerous local businesses and organisations continue to host in-office product donation drives and some individuals also host menstrual product drives, under the CORA banner. The products that are raised during these drives are then distributed to communities in need, with a specific focus on underprivileged schools, community centers, shelters, and wherever there is a need! To everyone who has held a week-long, month-long, or just a day-long donation drive, CORA would like to extend our deepest gratitude and thanks! We are forever humbled by your support, care, and humility.


 Pledge Red Campaign

Pledge Red is a nationwide campaign aimed at highlighting and raising awareness on issues surrounding period poverty, while simultaneously tackling the ever-present stigma around menstruation, while ultimately, attempting to end period poverty in South African schools. As part of the Pledge Red Campaign, the CORA Project hosts educational workshops in schools, where we cover topics such as period basics, period products, menstrual health + hygiene, sexual + reproductive health, and period poverty. For more information, please get in contact with one of our team members.


Christmas Gifts Boxes

Every year before we run a Christmas drive and collect gift and self-care items to make up Christmas gift boxes for women-in-need, across various shelters in Cape Town. We are grateful for the continuous support from our wonderful


community and, through their donations and contributions, we can fill each bag with essential items such as menstrual products, tea bags, soap and other self-care goodies like nail polish, sweets and chocolate. Some of the beneficiaries of the gift boxes include Saartjie Baartman Centre, Haven Night Shelter, St. Anne’s Home and the community of Imizamo Yethu.


Skills for Empowerment Workshop

As a past project, we have hosted a Skills for Empowerment Workshop, in collaboration with House of Pads. The workshop started off with an educational menstrual health session, followed by a reusable pad-making workshop. The workshop was done in the hopes of empowering women with the skills and knowledge to potentially start their own small businesses and be self-sufficient and support themselves and their families. Each attendee also received a pack of reusable pads, as well as a starter kit to make their reusable pads, a period info booklet, underwear, and pepper spray.

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#RunForHer Campaign

#RunForHer is our annual Women’s Month (August) virtual run to raise awareness and funds to tackle period poverty. Starting in 2020, every August we ask our community to accept the challenge of running towards combatting period poverty and pledging to donate R15 for every 1km they complete. The funds raised go towards menstrual health workshops and period products for those in need.



At The CORA Project, we believe in the importance of education. Periods should not serve as a barrier to a young woman” ‘s education and livelihood. Through education, advocacy, and menstrual product distribution, CORA is committed to offering menstrual workshops to any interested parties. Topics covered in our workshops include but are not limited to, the biology of menstruation, the severity of period poverty, and healthy period management. We take these workshops with both girls and boys, as we believe it is extremely important that the whole of society understands what a period is as well as the challenges related to having a period. We take workshops with learners as young as 10/11 years old upwards.